Flexibly Communicating IT Service Changes

Tuesday, April 11 | 1:00PM–2:15PM | Salon 5/8, Third Floor
Session Type: Breakout Session
The one certainty in IT is change. As the IT landscape shifts around us, our communication strategies need to evolve. This session will dive into two case studies and discuss how communicating IT service changes must be flexible to keep up with ever-changing technology. After developing a comprehensive, "outside the box" communications strategy at the University at Buffalo, we saw our customer base for Box cloud storage rise from under 5,000 customers to over 19,000 in two months. At UW-Madison, we recently completed our migration to Office 365, quickly realizing that traditional support and communication strategies would not keep pace with the rapid rate of change in the cloud environment. We shifted our support and communication strategy, challenging the norms of IT service delivery on campus in the process.

OUTCOMES: Explore customer needs and ideas for migration strategies before migrating to a new cloud service while being able to articulate to campus leadership through an effective, multitier communications strategy some of the challenges they may face operating in a cloud environment


  • Diana Tuorto

    Director, IT Communications, University at Buffalo-SUNY
  • Tamara Walker

    Associate Vice Provost for Learning Technologies and Academic Technology Director, University of Wisconsin-Madison

Resources & Downloads

  • Flexibly Communicating IT Service Changes_slides

    1 MB, pdf - Updated on 9/7/2024