Study Trackers: How to Get Students to Eat Their Broccoli

Tuesday, April 11 | 10:15AM–11:30AM | Salon 6/7, Third Floor
Session Type: Breakout Session
Improving student success is an ongoing topic at many institutions, but what about the onus put on students to improve their chances for success? What tools can we give students to empower them with their own data? This session will highlight use cases of a study tracker being piloted in courses at Purdue University. We will explore the pros and cons of the technology being used and considerations for helping students use their own data to help themselves. The takeaways will include lessons learned from the pilots, as well as implementation strategies for institutions looking to try something similar.

OUTCOMES: Determine what types of data would be useful for students to empower them to make decisions about their own success, strategize ways to engage students in tracking and analyzing their study habits to improve their success, and formulate a plan for implementing a student study tracker pilot at your institution


  • Casey Wright

    Senior Application Developer, Purdue University

Resources & Downloads

  • Study Trackers_slides

    3 MB, pdf - Updated on 9/6/2024