SEM04-Pop-Up Think Tank: Blending with MOOCs (separate registration is required)

Tuesday, February 02 | 9:00AM–12:00PM | Sequin, Fourth Floor
Session Type: Professional Development
How might we use MOOCs to offer blended learning opportunities on campus and in our communities? Using design thinking, this workshop will engage participants in a facilitated collaborative writing and sharing session. Participants will collectively brainstorm strategies to use MOOCs for blended learning. Additionally we will identify the relevant technologies and pedagogies, both existing and emerging. As a result of this facilitated session, we will co-create a collaborative community product to share that includes a collectively curated list of definitions, strategies, resources, and references in a Blending with MOOCs Toolkit.

OUTCOMES: Discuss and define blended learning with MOOCs * Brainstorm resources, strategies, and pedagogies to support blended learning with MOOCs * Create a Blended Learning with MOOCs Toolkit


  • Allison Dulin Salisbury

    Director of Higher Education Strategy, EdSurge, Inc.
  • Kristen Eshleman

    Vice President of Library & Information Technology, Trinity College
  • Adam Finkelstein

    Associate Director, Learning Environments, McGill University
  • Mike Goudzwaard

    Associate Director of Learning Innovation, Dartmouth College
  • Ashley Kehoe

    Associate Director, Experiential Learning, Dartmouth College
  • Joshua Kim

    Director of Online Programs and Strategy, Dartmouth College
  • Romy Ruukel

    Director, Shipley Center for Digital Learning & Innovation, Boston University

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