Information Security and the Institutional Review Board: A Roadmap for Securing Research Data at Your Institution

Tuesday, April 05 | 5:00PM–6:30PM | Bonham C/Third Level
Session Type: Professional Development
Increasingly researchers engaged in studying human subjects are looking to leverage IT and cloud-based tools and resources. At the same time, owners of large data repositories are imposing stricter rules and conditions on the use of their data. While institutional review boards have traditionally focused on research ethics when reviewing proposals, there is a growing need for expertise in the area of information security. This talk will illustrate how two institutions have successfully established a collaborative relationship between their IRBs and their information security offices as well as demonstrate how this relationship has enhanced regulatory oversight of research and facilitated the review process and compliance requirements for researchers.


  • Marty Manjak

    Adjunct, School of Business, University at Albany, SUNY
  • Warren Petrofsky

    Chief Infrastructure Officer (CIO), School of Arts and Sciences Computing, University of Pennsylvania

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