Seminar 02A - Developing an Information Management Program PLEASE NOTE: Separate registration and fee is required to attend this seminar.
Seminar 02A - Developing an Information Management Program PLEASE NOTE: Separate registration and fee is required to attend this seminar.
Tuesday, October 28 | 9:30AM–1:00PM | Room W330F
Session Type:
Professional Development
Everyone within an institution of higher education has a responsibility to access, use, and disclose organizational information in a responsible manner, compliant with institutional policy and legal statutes. This responsibility extends to other parties granted access to institutional information. Improper maintenance, disposal, or release of institutional administrative information exposes the organization to significant risk. A comprehensive information management program will improve the information-handling and administrative processes, the security of private information, and the management of institutional records and will facilitate the preservation of the institutional memory. Explore from three different institutional perspectives the interplay of a variety of information management topics including building support and buy-in, developing records retention and disposition schedules, managing electronic records, effectively administering e-discovery and requests for release of records, handling inappropriate release of information, implementing data classification and security requirements, maintaining the privacy and security of information, and developing policies and educational requirements.
Merri Beth Lavagnino
Jenny Mehmedovic
Associate Director, Center for Faculty Development & Mentoring, University of Kansas
Dan Noonan
Associate Professor - Digital Preservation Librarian, Ohio State University