Sustainable Faculty Technology Development to Facilitate a New University Culture

Thursday, October 30, 2008 | 9:10AM–10:00AM | Room W222A
Session Type: Professional Development
The Faculty Technology Integration Institute is the result of an interdepartmental collaboration to provide meaningful faculty development opportunities and sustainable innovation. This presentation will provide the results of case study research on the impact of this program on campus-wide change efforts at the University of South Florida Lakeland campus.
Additional contributor: Rosa Walsh, Faculty Services Administrator, University of South Florida


  • Naomi Boyer

    Executive Director, Credentialing Products, Education Design Lab
  • Kevin Calkins

    Director, Institutional Research and Effectiveness Program, USF Polytechnic, University of South Florida
  • Karen Konrath

    Director, Educational Technologies, University of South Florida Polytechnic
  • Catherine Lavallee-Welch

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