User Services Lightning Round

Thursday, October 30, 2008 | 3:20PM–4:10PM | Room W224GH
Session Type: Professional Development
Learn a lot fast! This series of five-minute presentations will provide overviews of interesting, innovative, and timely work in user services. Each session will also be shared as a poster later today, giving you a chance to explore the topic more deeply and speak with the presenters.

24 x 7 x 365 Anywhere in the World: Creating an Executive IT Support Unit
Momi Ford, Executive IT Support Manager, Indiana University
When executives have IT needs, the highest level of support available anytime, anywhere keeps them productive. See how Indiana University's Executive IT Support unit makes this possible.

Emergency Texts: A Reality Check
John C. Borne, University Information Systems, Louisiana State University
LSU will report on a test of its emergency text-messaging system. This session will examine the strengths and weaknesses of text messaging in an emergency notification package and managing community expectations.

Infusing Academic Support into the Online Environment: A Pilot Program
Craig Lamb, Empire State College SUNY
Empire State College's Center for Distance Learning recently launched the Academic Assistance Tutorial System, an online instructor-initiated early warning system. This session will describe its past and planned development and self-paced learning modules.

Lessons from Running a Mega Lab: A Student Outreach Program to Embrace Collaboration and Learning
Sheri Stahler, Temple University
Running a 24 x 7 computer lab and help desk with 700 seats and 6,000 visitors daily meant looking at operations on a megascale. Computer Services adapted to run the TECH Center efficiently.

Maximize Enterprise Productivity by Implementing a Total Cost of Ownership Methodology
Ronan Glynn, Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center
Empirical evidence illustrates that procedurally managing hardware life cycles is strategically superior to a system of ad hoc replacements. Intangibles like industry reputation and risk mitigation are perhaps the greatest advantages.

Using Instructional Design to Shape Technology Training
Lisa McNeal, Samford University
Technology training for faculty and staff is more effective when based on instructional design principles. This presentation will show how three principles guided training to achieve positive results at Samford University.

Who Will Be the Next Rock Star?
Kimberly Brookes, Simmons College
To educate students on the academic and personal consequences of downloading and sharing files illegally, Technology at Simmons sponsors Simmons Rockstar, which combines education on copyright with a karaoke contest.


  • Ethan Benatan

  • John Borne

    Deputy CIO, Louisiana State University
  • Kim Brookes

  • Momi Ford

    Associate VP, Client Services and Support, Indiana University
  • Ronan Glynn

    Advisory LAN Specialist, Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center
  • Craig Lamb

    Dean of Distributed Learning, Genesee Community College
  • Lisa McNeal

    Director of eLearning, The College of Coastal Georgia
  • Sheri Stahler

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