Blending Apples and Oranges: iTunes U, Pedagogy, and Infrastructure

Friday, November 06 | 9:10AM–10:00AM | Korbel Ballroom 4E/F
Session Type: E09 Hybrid
GWU integrated the inherent flexibility that iTunes U offers in both pedagogical innovation and delivery of instruction with our existing infrastructure. This highly successful implementation needed to offer a seamless and minimal-to-no-learning-curve use of the system.


  • Eric Alvarado

    AVP Digital Strategy, St. John's University
  • JP Arpino

  • Yordanos Baharu

    Executive Director Academic Enterprise Application, The George Washington University
  • P.B. Garrett

    Consultant, Garrett Consulting
  • Yianna Vovides

    Senior Director of Learning Design and Research, Georgetown University

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