Career Choices: Making the Decision That Is Right for You

Wednesday, November 04 | 4:50PM–5:40PM | Meeting Room 708/710/712
Session Type: E09 Hybrid
What factors influence your decision to pursue a career in IT management or leadership? How do you know you want to be a CIO? Can you balance job demands with life outside work? When is it time pursue new opportunities? Is a complete career change in order? How will you know when to retire? As leaders or aspiring leaders, we all face these questions. Your next career step may not be what makes sense "on paper." The speakers will discuss the state of leadership in the IT community today and some of the challenges that lie ahead, as well as how they have grappled with these issues.


  • Adrian Alexander

  • Loretta Early

  • Marilu Goodyear

    Associate Professor, University of Kansas
  • Joel Hartman

    Retired - July 2020, University of Central Florida
  • Polley McClure

    Vice President Emeritus, Cornell University

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