Implementing a Cost-Effective and User-Friendly E-Mail, Calendaring, and Collaboration System

Friday, November 06 | 9:10AM–10:00AM | Korbel Ballroom 1E/F
Session Type: E09 Hybrid
Georgia Tech and the University of Pennsylvania have both transitioned to Zimbra for centralized e-mail and calendaring services. Come hear about the transition challenges, cost-effectiveness, and integration aspects of these two initiatives and the unique aspects of each implementation. The University of Pennsylvania interoperates with Exchange to streamline collaboration across the institution through calendar free/busy sharing, while Georgia Tech has integrated Zimbra with its student portal and is leveraging student development of Zimlets to enhance adoption among students.


  • Pam Buffington

    Exec Dir of Foundational Infrastructure Technology, Georgia Institute of Technology
  • Adam Preset

    IT Technical Director, University of Pennsylvania

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