Library Lightning Round

Wednesday, November 04, 2009 | 3:15PM–4:05PM | Meeting Room 603
Session Type: E09 Hybrid
Information literacy is an issue most institutions are dealing with today. Come listen to colleagues discuss how their schools have developed innovative approaches to this issue in a fast-paced introduction to several presentations. Get together with the presenters at community showcase sessions later in the afternoon for more details.

Concept Mapping for Collaboration
Megan Fitzgibbons, McGill University
Based on analysis of syllabi and assignments, concept mapping software is used to visualize and align the learning outcomes of university courses with librarians' information literacy instruction.

Information Literacy in the Curriculum: Faculty Guidance Using Focus Groups
Roseann Bowerman, Lehigh University
Librarians sought faculty views about the discipline-specific information skills of graduating students. Outcomes included a writing and research fellows program, outreach to international students, and a RefWorks campus license.


  • Roseann Bowerman

  • Diane Butler

  • Megan Fitzgibbons

    Librarian, The University of Western Australia