Security Lightning Round

Thursday, November 05 | 3:20PM–4:10PM | Korbel Ballroom 4E/F
Session Type: E09 Hybrid, Resources
Hear fast-paced, five-minute presentations by colleagues experienced in comprehensive, integrated approaches to emergency management. They will share helpful guidance on a topic critical to campus safety and continuity of operations. Presenters will be available to discuss lessons learned in greater detail during afternoon community showcase sessions.

A College-Wide Collaboration Develops a Multilayer Approach for Improving Campus Safety
Joseph A. Moreau, SUNY College at Oswego
Students and parents have increasing expectations that campuses will keep students from harm. SUNY Oswego has developed a multilayer safety program employing a variety of established and innovative technologies.

Academic Continuity Planning for Dummies
David Johnson, University of New England
Discover a step-by-step guide for pandemic and disaster planning at the institutional level, from recognition of need through testing and departmental buy-in to the completed plan.

Implementing an Emergency Notification System (and Herding Cats)
Shawn Ellering, St. Cloud State University
St. Cloud State University's implementation of an emergency notification system revealed the importance both of timely and accurate communications and of recognizing many sources and methods of communication.


  • Shawn Ellering

  • Joseph Moreau

    Executive Consultant, Higher Digital, Inc.
  • Shirley Payne

    AVP for Information Security, Policy & Records (Retired), University of Virginia

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