Seminar 04P - Collaborative (Re)Design of an Online Learning Presence: Refining an Institutional Identity Online and Engaging Students

Tuesday, November 03, 2009 | 2:00PM–5:30PM | Meeting Room 603
Session Type: E09 Hybrid
Many institutions have invested substantial resources in diverse initiatives to deliver distance learning and/or enhance campus-based learning with online resources. To these institutional efforts, faculty and students are now adding online tools and resources from beyond the campus. Higher education institutions are confronting the need to connect these various efforts to create more powerful and integrated learning experiences for all of their students.

We will engage in a highly structured process to allow individuals in various units and roles across a campus (e.g., library, academic computing, distance learning, instructional design, admissions, public relations) to collaboratively design or redesign the online learning presence for an institution. Using a case created from survey data provided by participants, the workshop leaders will guide the group through all phases of the consultation and design process. You will leave with a design and a set of process tools for use at your home institution.


  • Brian Hughes

    Director of Design, Teachers College, Columbia University
  • Gary Natriello

    Professor, Teachers College, Columbia University