Seminar 07A - DiaGrid: Building a Computational Grid with Existing Resources

Tuesday, November 03, 2009 | 9:30AM–1:00PM | Meeting Room 302
Session Type: E09 Hybrid
Now that information technology permeates every aspect of people's lives, computation has become an indispensable part of scientific investigations and education programs. While the need for computational resources is overwhelming, the cost of purchasing clusters and the lack of data center space can be problematic for many campuses. This session will provide a practical guide for developing a campus grid from existing campus resources to meet faculty and student needs.

Specifically, this seminar will help you prepare to begin your own campus grid project by (1) identifying campus resources that can be included within the grid, (2) developing a model for deploying and maintaining grid resources, (3) gaining support from faculty and administrative units, (4) creating a support mechanism for grid users, and (5) monitoring the progress of the campus grid effort. We will also discuss strategies for joining other campus grids.


  • Preston Smith

    Executive Director, Rosen Center for Advanced Computing, Purdue University
  • Carol Song

    Senior Research Scientist, Purdue University