Seminar 10P - Practical Building Blocks for Access Management

Tuesday, November 03 | 2:00PM–5:30PM | Meeting Room 404
Session Type: E09 Hybrid
When implemented well, access management can contribute substantially to an institution's bottom line. In this period of belt-tightening, it can free up campus constituents' time so that they can spend more of it on their work and less of it calling or e-mailing IT with authorization changes.

The rub comes in how and where to start developing such a service. If you begin small (e.g., in a department with a specific requirement) and simple (e.g., using directory groups), progress can be made that you can leverage for education, demonstration, and further planning. From there, groups can be generalized to local roles. Later, when you need finer access control, privileges can be added to address the additional requirements. This entry-level seminar will provide an overview and the basic building blocks for developing your own access management system.


  • Rob Carter

    Consultant, IT, Duke University
  • Liz Salley

    Product Manager, Information and Technology Services, University of Michigan-Ann Arbor