Seminar 16P - Top-Ten Ways to Improve Student Learning Using Technology Outside the Classroom
Tuesday, November 03, 2009 | 2:00PM–5:30PM | Korbel Ballroom 3B
Session Type:
E09 Hybrid, Resources
Technology is the most powerful way to increase your nontechnological interaction with students in the classroom. We will explore 10 easy ways for faculty to take advantage of technology to improve student learning by forcing students to engage with the material outside class, thereby expanding the time and quality of discussion in class. We must do more than simply post readings, lectures, or podcasts online.
Students need to interact with material before class by taking online quizzes, completing interactive online assignments, playing video games, working together to create virtual or real products, creating online communities and discussion groups, and blogging.
This requires a complete rethinking of class time, architecture, furniture, and scheduling. If we're willing to rethink the entire experience, an interactive podcast, for example, can trump a lecture, make us better teachers, and improve the quality of student learning.
A laptop is not required, but you are welcome to bring yours if you would like to try tools and websites as they are introduced.