Seminar 12P - The Future of Computing Labs

Tuesday, October 12, 2010 | 2:00PM–5:30PM | Meeting Room 209A
Session Type: E2010
Students are increasingly arriving on campus with their own devices, from laptop computers (80% of students reported they have these in the most recent ECAR Survey of Undergraduate Students) to Internet-capable smartphones. Yet, in many cases, campus computing labs remain unchanged, despite their significant cost to operate and support. As our IT services and students become increasingly "wireless," is there still a place for a wired lab on campus?

In this seminar, participants will be challenged to further explore this question, pondering what the future might hold for computing labs on campus. From virtual computer labs to enhanced teaching spaces, participants will be introduced to a wide variety of solutions to the issue and challenged to consider the ramifications for their own institutions.


  • Beth Schaefer

    COO/DCIO, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee
  • Michael White

    Manager Instructional Tech, University of West Florida

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