Seminar 13P - Managing Your Social Media

Tuesday, October 12, 2010 | 2:00PM–5:30PM | Meeting Room 209B
Session Type: E2010
You've implemented Facebook pages, Twitter accounts, YouTube channels, and student bloggers. But simply having these pieces is not enough. How do you integrate these pieces into a social media plan to best leverage the return on your social media investment? How does it fit in with your organization's overall business and marketing plans? Why should we even care about social media? During this workshop, attendees will break into small groups to analyze and establish social media goals. What are you trying to accomplish with your Twitter, Facebook, and YouTube accounts? Reach adult learners? Engage incoming freshmen? You'll learn how to use integrate social media and understand the appropriate use of the tool using tips like RSS feeds and cross-platform linking. Finally, you'll discover how to assess the effectiveness of social media's reach using tools like Google Alerts and Social Mention to include both quantitative and qualitative aspects of social media.


  • Robin Smail

    Disruptive Technologist, The Pennsylvania State University