Bridging the Great Divide: Strategies, Models, and Pathways to Connect High School with College

Thursday, October 20, 2011 | 2:30PM–3:20PM | Meeting Room 108B
Session Type: E11
We know that one-third of students at four-year universities must take at least one remedial class to advance in their studies, and more than 42% must do so at community colleges. And less than a quarter of students met college-ready benchmarks in all four subjects on the 2010 ACT exam. In the face of these realities, how can we harness the capabilities of today's technologies to provide flexible, self-paced, and adaptive learning experiences to our students to ensure they have the skills they need to succeed on our campuses and beyond? In this panel discussion, we'll explore approaches from K-12, community colleges, and universities.


  • Russ Little

  • Stella Perez

    Executive Vice President and Chief Operations Officer, League for Innovation in the Community College