Evidence of Impact

Wednesday, October 19, 2011 | 12:30PM–1:20PM | Meeting Room 103C
Session Type: E11
As the pace of technology change continues unabated, institutions are faced with numerous decisions and choices to support teaching and learning with limited resources. Faculty and administrators must make careful decisions about what practices to adopt and where to invest resources. The information available about the impact of these innovations is often scarce, uneven, or both. What evidence do we have that they are having the desired impact? What current effective practices would enable us to collect that evidence? What new methods for collecting evidence of impact might need to be developed? This group discusses all ideas and information related to evidence-based practice in teaching and learning.


  • John Fritz

    Assoc. VP, Instructional Technology, University of Maryland, Baltimore County
  • Patsy Moskal

    Director, RITE, University of Central Florida