Seminar 20P - Advanced Benchmarking: Best Practices and Expert Advice on Using the EDUCAUSE Core Data Service and Other Benchmarking Sources
PLEASE NOTE: Separate registration and fee is required to attend this seminar.

Tuesday, October 18, 2011 | 2:00PM–5:30PM | Meeting Room 117
Session Type: E11
This half-day session is geared toward people having prior experience with benchmarking and/or using the EDUCAUSE Core Data Service (CDS). It will cover strategies and best practices for benchmarking, as well as using benchmarking data and metrics to contribute to business cases and reports to executive management. The session will thoroughly explore the CDS content and its potential uses for IT practitioners and leaders. Senior IT leaders will describe their own CDS and benchmarking use cases, reflect on long-standing benchmarking efforts in their communities of practice, and offer advice on best practices and pitfalls when benchmarking in higher education IT services. The seminar may be taken on its own or combined with the Beginning Benchmarking seminar for an intensive and thorough exposure to benchmarking.


  • Larry Gilbert

  • Susan Grajek

    Vice President, Partnerships, Communities and Research, EDUCAUSE
  • Jerry Grochow

    Research Affiliate, Sloan School of Mgmt, MIT
  • Randy Stiles

    Associate Vice President, Analytics and Institutional Research, Grinnell College
  • Dan Updegrove

    Consultant, Updegrove & Associates