SunGard Higher Education, Platinum Partner - Collaboration by Design, Innovation with Purpose

Wednesday, October 19 | 11:30AM–12:20PM | Meeting Room 202A
Session Type: E11

In higher education the ability to collaborate—across campuses, between communities, and around the globe—will be increasingly important to growing ideas. And the collaborative models that have served education so well will inform how we design, adapt, and deliver new technologies. In this session, a panel of experts will describe how new collaborative models—with educators, technologists, partners, and vendors—can drive innovation and open new possibilities for education communities during a time of constrained resources.


  • Dave Becker

    CEO & Founder, CampusESP
  • Tom Danford

    Vice Chancellor for Information Technology and CIO, University of New England
  • Barbara Dolhansky

  • Scott Jaschik

    Editor & Co-Founder, Inside Higher Ed
  • Matt McLellan

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