Community Projects Pilot (continued)

Thursday, November 08, 2012 | 4:40PM–5:30PM | Exhibit Hall B-E, Learning Theater
Session Type: E12

Nonprofit community organizations will take the stage from 1:30 to 4:00 p.m. for rapid-fire presentations designed to build awareness of common institutional challenges and their community-based solutions. Brad Wheeler, Vice President for IT and CIO, Indiana University, will emcee during the presentations. From 4:00 to 4:30 p.m., the theater will be transformed into an informal space for participants and organization representatives to engage in small-group discussions.


1:30-1:35: Brad Wheeler
Welcome and Introductions

1:35-1:45: Jennifer Foutty, Executive Director, Kuali Foundation
What Kuali Is…and What It Is Not
Colleges and universities need software systems that meet their needs, cost less to install and operate, and allow higher education to control its own destiny. The Kuali Foundation provides an efficient way to pool investments and achieve sustainable software at a total cost of ownership that is superior to other options. The Kuali software cannot be taken away, closed down, or discontinued as a product line. Institutions can do their own support or bid among a number of commercial providers.

1:50-2:00: Molly Tamarkin, Associate University Librarian for Information Technology, Duke University
Community or Market? Kuali OLE and Building Enterprise Software for Research Libraries

The Kuali Open Library Environment (OLE) project is an Andrew W. Mellon Foundation-funded partnership to create a community-source library system. This presentation describes the project and discusses how we coexist within the library systems marketplace, marketing to a community dominated by a traditional RFP process.

2:05-2:15: Brian McGough, Director, Enterprise Integration and Chief Software Architect, Indiana University
Any System to Any Device: Kuali Mobile
Learn about the proven Kuali Mobile software to connect any campus system to any HTML5-enabled device via apps on iPhones, Androids, and other platforms. It provides a way to consolidate a world of campus information from various systems and owners to a common mobile app that also supports authenticated, higher stakes transactions too.

2:20-2:30: Bill Yock, Director, IM Enterprise Information Services, University of Washington
Rapid Application Development with Kuali Rice

Kuali Rice is the middleware and development framework used by Kuali applications and institutions to build their applications with rich Web 2.0 features, and it's free! Learn how to save time and costs, collaborate, and develop with the Kuali community by using a common framework for solving common problems.

2:35-2:45: Jonathan Markow, Chief Strategy Officer, Duraspace
DuraCloud: A Low-Cost, Low-Risk Cloud Service for Higher Education

DuraSpace, the higher education nonprofit, developed the open-source DuraCloud service in order to take advantage of emerging cloud capabilities while mitigating many of the risks. This presentation will bring colleagues up to date on DuraCloud and tell attendees how they can evaluate the technology for their own use.

2:50-3:00: Mara Hancock, CIO and Vice President-Technology, California College of the Arts, and Andy Wasklewicz, CEO, Co-Founder, Principal Solutions Architect,  Entwine
Opencast Matterhorn
The Opencast Community project, Opencast Matterhorn, is an OSS video management system with an emphasis on lecture recording capabilities. Schools are customizing Matterhorn to integrate with enterprise campus systems and are developing online learning tools (annotations, learning analytics) using Matterhorn as a platform. Examples will be shared, focusing on helping adopters learn how to engage in the Opencast community.

3:05-3:15: Jonathan Markow, Chief Strategy Officer, Duraspace
The VIVO Project: Describing and Sharing Information about Researchers and their Work

VIVO is an international, open-source semantic web application for integrating and sharing information about university researchers and their activities at a single institution or over a distributed network. In this presentation you will hear about new developments for VIVO as it plans a transition from grant funding to sustainability under the DuraSpace organization.

3:20-3:30: Lori Tirpak, Director, Enterprise Systems, Oakland University
Jasig uMobile Implementation at Oakland University

Oakland University was facing a rapid increase of students demanding mobile-friendly displays. OU wanted something that would integrate with existing systems and could be rapidly deployed. Jasig uMobile fit OU's requirements and allowed for rapid mobile deployment for iPhone, Android, and mobile-web platforms.

3:35-3:45: Russ Little, Manager, Web Systems, Sinclair Community College
Student Success Plan: Open-Source Software Supporting Retention and Completion

The Student Success Plan (SSP), a holistic counseling and intervention software developed at Sinclair Community College over the past decade, is designed to increase the persistence, success, and graduation rates of at-risk students. Through holistic counseling, web-based support systems, and intervention techniques, students who are at greatest risk of failing in college are identified, supported, and monitored. Through a Next Generation Learning Challenge (NGLC) grant from EDUCAUSE, the SSP is available as open- source software to other colleges.

3:50-4:00: Bill Thompson, Software Architect, Unicon Inc, and Bill Yock, Director, IM Enterprise Information Services, University of Washington
CIFER Overview

Originating from a collaboration between existing open-source organizations (Internet2, Kuali, and Jasig), the CIFER (Community Identity Framework for Education and Research) project builds on existing identity and access management (IAM) open-source projects to create a modular, yet comprehensive, IAM solution specific to the needs of higher education and research.

4:00-4:30: Open Discussions


  • Jennifer Foutty

    Executive Director, Indiana University
  • Mara Hancock

    CIO, Senior VP-Operations, California College of the Arts
  • Russ Little

  • Jonathan Markow

    Chief Strategy Officer, DuraSpace
  • Brian McGough

    Director, Enterprise Integration and Chief Software Architect, Indiana University
  • Molly Tamarkin

  • Bill Thompson

    Director Digital Infrastructure, Lafayette College
  • Lori Tirpak

    Interim Chief Information Officer, Oakland University
  • Bill Yock

    Chief Technology and Data Officer