EDUCAUSE and Internet2 E-Text Initiative: Lessons Learned and Looking Forward

Thursday, November 08, 2012 | 2:30PM–3:20PM | Mile High Ballroom 1D-F
Session Type: E12
Since last fall, IU, Internet2, and EDUCAUSE have been collaborating on a series of progressively broader pilots involving electronic textbooks. In addition to exploring how e-texts are best used, the multicampus pilots seek particularly to test new models for financing and distributing e-texts, in the hope that the e-text market can operate more efficiently and thereby control costs. Participants in the first two pilots will comment on what they learned from those efforts; Internet2 and EDUCAUSE leaders will then discuss the fall 2012 pilot and one planned for spring 2013.


  • Les Howles

    Emeritus, Director, Distance Education Professional Development, University of Wisconsin-Madison
  • Greg Jackson

    Educational Counselor, MIT
  • Bruce Maas

    Honorary Fellow-Information School, University of Wisconsin-Madison
  • Bob Rubinyi

    Senior Analyst for Online Learning, Office of Distributed Learning, University of Minnesota
  • Clare van den Blink

    Senior IT Advisor, Pace University
  • Shel Waggener

    President, University of California, Berkeley