Exploring Universal Design and IT Accessibility in a Flexible Learning Space - Sponsored furniture provided by Steelcase, a Gold Partner

Wednesday, November 07, 2012 | 11:30AM–12:20PM | Meeting Room 501/502
Session Type: E12

Participants will increase their understanding of IT accessibility issues through a combination of lecture, demonstration, and hands-on experience of accessibility barriers. The principles of universal design will be shared, and participants will work collaboratively to identify possible solutions to problems, including solutions involving policies, procedures, and procurement strategies.


  • Susan Cullen

    Director Universal Design and ICT accessibility, Tech For All, Inc.
  • Greg Kraus

    Principal Accessibility Specialist, Interactive Accessibility
  • Daniela Marghitu

    Professor and LEAT Director, Computer Science Department, Auburn University
  • Terrill Thompson

    Manager, IT Accessibility Team, University of Washington

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