Moving to the Cloud with Our Friends: Developing and Supporting Internet2 NET+ Services
Moving to the Cloud with Our Friends: Developing and Supporting Internet2 NET+ Services
Wednesday, November 07, 2012 | 4:40PM–5:30PM | Meeting Room 505/506
Session Type:
Internet2 is working with over 30 universities and a dozen service providers to implement cloud services that operate over the Internet2 network and use InCommon authentication. This session will discuss the types of services currently available or planned to be available, how universities can sponsor or participate in creating a service, and how the community is working together to support these services.
Chuck Aikman
Retired IT staff, Indiana University
Jim Bradley
Chief Information Officer, Community College of Rhode Island
Jerry Grochow
Research Affiliate, Sloan School of Mgmt, MIT
Walt Magnussen
Director, University Telecommunications, Texas A&M University