Seminar 13P - The Third Year of an iPad Initiative at Stanford's School of Medicine (separate registration required)

Tuesday, November 06, 2012 | 1:30PM–5:00PM | Mile High Ballroom 4C/4D
Session Type: E12

This workshop and discussion session will review and offer discussion about enterprise iPad distribution, support, and innovation. Facilitators from Stanford University will present results from the School of Medicine's initiative to give iPads to all 91 first-year medical students each year in 2010, 2010, and 2012. The group will discuss recommendations for iPad and mobile initiatives at universities, including support details, faculty development, interactive content creation, and more. Experience hands-on demos on topics of interest like the content delivery system for iPads, apps for organizing content and taking notes, wireless iPad projection, custom e-books, and a game for teaching about patient care.


  • Joe Benfield

    Instructional Technologist, University of Washington
  • Jenn Stringer

    Vice President and Chief Digital Officer, J. Paul Getty Trust
  • Brian Tobin

    Director of Learning, Evernote

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