A Comparison of Active Note-Taking Methods

Friday, October 18 | 9:00AM–9:50AM | Meeting Room 304C/D
Session Type: Professional Development
Student note-taking is changing rapidly. Many students have tablets with note-taking and annotation capability that goes unused. Next-generation note-taking requires students to transform their note-taking process from passive transcription to an active skill. Winona State conducted usability studies, selected a standard note-taking app, trained students and instructors, and assessed outcomes.

Realize that "taking notes" is changing. | Understand that it is possible to evaluate note-taking applications using established and rigorous methodology. | Learn how active note-taking can have a deep impact on learning.


  • Ken Graetz

    Director, Teaching, Learning,& Tech Services, Winona State University
  • Norb Thomes

    Learning Systems and Services Coordinator, Winona State University