A Vision for FLEXspace: Flexible Learning Environments eXchange - Sponsored furniture provided by Steelcase, Gold Partner
Thursday, October 17, 2013 | 2:30PM–3:20PM | Meeting Room 304A/B
Session Type:
Professional Development
A collaboration of higher education stakeholders is developing and implementing a rich-media interactive database designed to share and evaluate innovative learning space designs. The panel will review the development of a self-sustaining service and a community of practice. This initiative expands on a SUNY-developed proof-of-concept database with ARTstor.
Understand the rationale behind FLEXspace and the associated community of practice. | Learn how to maximize the pedagogical effectiveness of the learning environments being contributed to the repository under development. | Hear a summary of recommendations compiled by participants.
Gerry Hanley
Assistant Vice Chancellor, Academic Technology Services, California State University, Office of the Chancellor -
Megan Marler
Director of Strategic Services, Artstor -
Joseph Moreau
Executive Consultant, Higher Digital, Inc. -
Lisa Stephens
Asst. Dean - UB Engineering, and Sr. Strategist, SUNY Academic Innovation (Ret.), SUNY System Administration -
Jim Twetten
Principal, Twetten Consulting, University of Minnesota -
Clare van den Blink
Senior IT Advisor, Pace University