Computers and Higher Education: The Accidental Revolution Revisited

Wednesday, October 16, 2013 | 3:30PM–4:20PM | Meeting Room 204B
Session Type: Professional Development
A major 1981 NSF report characterized computing in higher education as "an accidental revolution," largely unanticipated and unplanned, which left institutions unprepared for new technologies. Has much changed over three decades? What's the long view on IT as an "accidental revolution": What have we learned, what do we do well, and what must we do better?

Realize the need for agile planning processes and organizational structures. | Recognize that navigating campus politics is more about relationships than technology. | Understand the importance of sustainable budget models for changing technologies and the expanding demand for IT resources and services.


  • Casey Green

    Founding Director, The Campus Computing Project
  • Marty Ringle

    President, Northwest Academic Computing Consortium
  • Theresa Rowe

    Board Treasurer Apereo Foundation, Oakland University
  • David Smallen