Connected Security: Managing the Proliferation of Devices on Campus

Wednesday, October 16 | 11:30AM–12:20PM | Meeting Room 212A/B
Session Type: EDUCAUSE Major Initiatives, Professional Development
Universities and colleges have to deal with privacy, data leakage, poisoned sites, social engineering, and employee productivity among a landscape of constantly evolving threats. The BYOD revolution has brought personal devices into the picture; these provide an easy target for threats and malware to enter the network and for users to innocently access malicious sites, infecting the network. Universities are facing a tremendous loss of productivity due to increasing attacks on campus, which results in lost or stolen IP and student/faculty and research data. To combat these challenges, Dell has developed an innovative integrative technologies approach to deliver connected security.

Learn about the issues and threats facing IT organizations today | Learn how connected security protects universities proactively from device to cloud through a comprehensive life-cycle approach | Learn about advanced models of Dell embedded security


  • Jon Phillips

    Education Industry Futurist, Dell Technologies