Consortial Collaboration Supporting Evolving Trends in Higher Education

Thursday, October 17, 2013 | 10:10AM–11:00AM | Meeting Room 211A/B
Session Type: Professional Development
Maryland cultivates several statewide multi-institutional collaborations including leveraged procurement of technology products and services, development and support of network-based services and underlying network infrastructure, library services, and innovation in learning and teaching. This panel discussion will outline efforts to align these activities to achieve effectiveness and efficiency while respecting the autonomous governance of each collaborative.

Learn the leveraging effect that multi-organizational consortia can bring to a variety of critical services | See how to avoid overlap in service delivery by cohosting consortia. | Learn how to establish balance in complex governance organizations.


  • Guy Jones

    Executive Director MDREN, University System of Maryland
  • Tamara Petronka

    Executive Director MEEC, University System of Maryland
  • Chuck Thomas

    Executive Director, University System of Maryland