NET+ 101: Moving to the Cloud with Our Friends in Higher Education and Industry

Thursday, October 17 | 2:30PM–3:20PM | Learning Theater Exhibit Hall C
Session Type: Professional Development
Cloud computing shifts traditional technology acquisition from a "purchase and install" model (local) to one that is driven by the use of vendor-provided, shared (multitenant) environments. Although departments and individuals are often able to purchase services directly from cloud service providers without having to follow historical internal technology procurement processes, institutions need to find a balance between historical administrative control structures and the "click and buy" availability of cloud services. This session will focus on how institutions can meld their traditional procurement models with the realities of the cloud. Guest speakers from cloud service providers will address issues from their standpoint as well.

Learn about procurement issues in moving to the cloud | Learn how Internet2 NET+ works with campuses and industry


  • Khalil Yazdi

    Resident Ed Tech CIO, Yazdi and Associates, LLC

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