Partnersourcing across Institutions for Efficient, High-Quality Support

Friday, October 18, 2013 | 10:10AM–11:00AM | Ballroom A
Session Type: Professional Development
Learn about the unique, mutually beneficial partnersourcing support between Indiana University and Ivy Tech Community College. By leveraging expertise, economies of scale, and the power of an interinstitutional relationship, IU and Ivy Tech have realized improved efficiencies and higher-quality technical support for their combined 340,000 students, faculty, and staff.

Identify and recognize IT support opportunities within higher education for partnersourcing across institutions. | Describe the potential efficiencies of partnersourcing for IT support. | Gain increased awareness of the challenges and benefits of leveraging across institutions.


  • Momi Ford

    AVP, Enterprise Support Services, Indiana University
  • Cathy O'Bryan

    Chief Executive Officer, Unizin, Ltd.
  • Sue Workman

    Interim VP for Information Services and Technology, Boston University

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