Seminar 05F - Leveraging Personal Learning Networks for Individual and Organizational Innovation (separate registration required)

Tuesday, October 15, 2013 | 9:00AM–5:00PM | Meeting Room 304A/B
Session Type: E13
In an era of technological change, successful organizations and professionals find ways to nurture their adaptability, creativity, and professional growth. Personal learning networks, or PLNs, frame an intentional strategy for developing social and technical networks in support of lifelong learning and professional development. PLNs offer a model for decentralized, situated learning that builds on readily available tools for information aggregation, social networking, and virtual collaboration. Our seminar will offer an introduction to the theory and practice of developing PLNs including essential tools, strategies, and principles. Through a series of small-group activities, we will workshop PLN tools, map and analyze our existing networks, and curate crowdsourced lists of tools and resources. Most importantly, we will leverage our network of participants to plan and design strategic applications of networked learning and PLNs in support of innovation for our teams, departments, and organizations.


  • Abram Anders

    Associate Director of the Student Innovation Center and Associate Professor of English, Iowa State University of Science and Technology
  • Ann Hill Duin

    Professor, University of Minnesota