Seminar 08P - Turning Change into Opportunity: The 21st Century's Most Valuable Skill (separate registration required)

Tuesday, October 15 | 1:30PM–5:00PM | Meeting Room 208A/B
Session Type: Professional Development
Vision is merely fantasy if it is not achievable. For that reason, truly effective leaders are fundamentally masters of continuous, strategic change for their organizations and institutions. Higher education is facing a period that will require unprecedented change and transformation. The key to successful change initiatives and strategies is understanding that people are at the center, which requires an understanding of the nature and impact of change on individuals and organizations. This seminar will focus on the nature and methods of the change management process in an academic environment, including organizational assessment, preparation, and management of the process. We will also explore building and leading a strategic organization that's driven by change and continuous improvement. This participatory seminar will include material presented by the speaker, a self-assessment exercise, and collaborative case-based problem solving. Participants will gain knowledge, skills, and strategies to help guide successful change initiatives in their own organizations.


  • David Dodd

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