Seminar 12A - A Breakthrough Model for Faculty Development: The Life-Cycle Approach (separate registration required)

Tuesday, October 15, 2013 | 9:00AM–12:30PM | Meeting Room 210D
Session Type: E13

Reinvigorate your campus-wide efforts for faculty training and teaching excellence. In this highly interactive session, we'll explore the breakthrough faculty development model at St. Mary's University to refocus our efforts and build a campus-wide support network for instructional technology integration and infusion, pedagogical discussions, and sharing of best classroom practices. Since its inception, the yearlong model, anchored on an intensive Summer Faculty Institute on Learning Technologies, has yielded unprecedented faculty interest and administrative support. The Institute requires the applicant to submit a technology-enhanced course transformation plan. Participants are selected by their deans based on their plan's merit and potential. Envisioned as an on-campus EDUCAUSE experience, the four-day Institute provides an immersive learning and discovery experience leading participants to a yearlong advocacy campaign through a series of reconnect sessions, a fall technology summit, and spring faculty technology showcases. Based on this framework, the presenters will help build a plan that works for you.


  • Jeff Schomburg

    Executive Director of Academic Technology Services, St. Mary's University

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