Seminar 15P - How Good Are Your IT Services? (separate registration required)
Seminar 15P - How Good Are Your IT Services? (separate registration required)
Tuesday, October 15 | 1:30PM–5:00PM | Meeting Room 211A/B
Session Type:
Professional Development
This workshop is designed to give you the knowledge, processes, and tools needed to conduct meaningful assessments of IT service quality at your institution; use assessment data to engage students, faculty, and staff in IT strategic planning processes; make peer comparisons regarding IT service outcomes in response to accreditation program review requirements; and manage these processes to generate actionable strategic plans that drive effective use of IT resources. These processes are based on the survey, tools, and peer database made available through the Higher Education TechQual+ Project ( We'll cover the relationships between IT service assessment, planning, and community engagement and how to create a TechQual+ survey and a random sample of respondents, as well as communicating with respondents to drive survey response rates, analyzing and conducting peer comparisons of survey results, and creating processes to engage the broader community of students, faculty, and staff to produce actionable IT strategies.
Tim Chester
Vice President for Information Technology, University of Georgia