Seminar 1A - Business Continuity and Disaster Recovery Planning for Higher Education (separate registration required)
Tuesday, October 15 | 9:30AM–12:30PM
Session Type:
Professional Development
This seminar is designed for novice and intermediate-level business continuity and disaster recovery practitioners who are tasked with creating and/or enhancing BC/DR programs. Having executable BC/DR plans constitutes an important IT security, audit, and compliance objective. We'll begin this workshop with an introduction to the fundamentals of BC/DR planning, develop a practical BC/DR model, and learn how to prioritize recovery processes and define recovery objectives. In the second half of the seminar, we will build on the DR model and complete gap assessments to understand the current state and target state recovery requirements. By the end of the workshop, you will have developed actionable reference models and a strategic plan that can be executed. Key takeaways include how to define business process/academic operations recovery priorities, how to prioritize applications and align recovery capabilities with recovery priorities, and how to create an executable BC/DR plan.