Silver Linings Playbook: Hard-Earned Lessons from the Cloud

Wednesday, October 16, 2013 | 11:30AM–12:20PM | Meeting Room 213D
Session Type: Professional Development
Universities are under pressure to join the frenzied rush to the cloud, yet barriers on and off our campuses often trip us up. We'll explore the benefits and challenges of aggressively moving toward cloud services and outline a playbook for finding the silver linings in the cloud.

Understand the value cloud computing can bring to campus. | Acquire a better understanding of the barriers to cloud service adoption. | Discover ideas on how to successfully accelerate cloud adoption.


  • Bob Carozzoni

    Lead Enterprise Cloud Strategist, Cornell University
  • Erik Lundberg

    Associate Vice President, Research Computing and Strategy, University of Washington
  • Bill Wrobleski

    Retired - Associate Vice President, Infrastructure, The Pennsylvania State University

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