Building Connected Learning for the Digital Age

Thursday, October 02, 2014 | 9:00AM–9:50AM | Meeting Room W311B-D
Session Type: Professional Development

Education that is personalized for the learner and responsive to a rapidly changing world is no longer merely desirable - it's an urgent need. Connected learning can address this need, but must do so in a way that is scalable and sustainable. Agile methodologies help us achieve this goal.

Understand how connected learning is expressed in terms of learning and design principles *See how emerging technologies, trends, and challenges define the current profile of connected learning *Understand and be able to apply agile methodologies to the development of institutional connected learning practices *Understand and be able to project the additional impact and consequences of these changes on institutional structures and processes


  • Cyprien Lomas

    Assistant Dean, Learning Technologies, and Director, LFS Learning Centre, The University of British Columbia
  • Ruben Puentedura

    President, Hippasus

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