Collaborating to Compete: Research Libraries Showing the Way

Tuesday, September 30 | 4:40PM–5:30PM | Meeting Room W307C/D
Session Type: Professional Development

In this session, we will describe how libraries at Oklahoma's two largest research institutions (the University of Oklahoma and Oklahoma State University) were able to leverage federal and state directives into actionable outcomes in a short time frame to produce a thriving partnership and a shared institutional repository called

OUTCOMES: Learn how we leveraged momentum from nonspecific directives and strategic plans to create a tangible and funded project * Learn how other elements (outside consulting) helped move the project through at an aggressive pace * Learn how we moved from a committee-driven project mentality to an agile good-enough-for-production mentality


  • Carl Grant

    Associate Dean, Knowledge Services & CTO, University of Oklahoma
  • Robin Leech

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