How to Create and Sustain a Competency-Based Education Program at Your Institution

Tuesday, September 30 | 3:30PM–4:20PM | Meeting Room W205A
Session Type: Professional Development
Competency-based education is a model that is building a foundation for achievement. In this session, the presenters will detail the essential components of an effective CBE program that includes preparation through market analysis and institutional readiness, developing the program model and marketing the program, and sustaining the program by engaging at-risk learners and performing continuous evaluation.

OUTCOMES: Learn about a readiness assessment tool that is useful for determining if an institution is prepared to create and sustain a CBE program * Increase awareness of emerging best practices in design, development, and implementation of CBE programs * Gain knowledge of the design, technology, and change management processes needed to launch a successful program


  • Corrine Gordon

    Lead Faculty for Liberal Arts, Personalized Learning, Northern Arizona University
  • Sally Johnstone

    Vice President for Academic Advancement, Western Governors University