Seminar 17A - Social Media Constituent Group Unconference (separate registration is required)

Monday, September 29, 2014 | 9:00AM–12:30PM | Meeting Room W310A/B
Session Type: Professional Development
The Social Media Constituent Group invites anyone interested in the use of social media in higher education to join the conversation and discussion during our seminar without any constructed agenda or specific outline. Come join our community of colleagues interested in best practices for the use of social media in higher education.

OUTCOMES: Develop connections with colleagues in this constituent group and become active community members * Gain experience and knowledge related to the use of social media in higher education * Build skills and connections to continue being active community members during and after the annual conference


  • Tanya Joosten

    Senior Scientist + Director, Digital Learning R&D + DETA Research Center, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee
  • Shannon Ritter