When Cathedrals Become Bazaars: Notions of Community in an Open Course

Tuesday, September 30, 2014 | 11:30AM–12:20PM | Meeting Room W308C/D
Session Type: Professional Development
We will demonstrate the ways that Writing II: Rhetorical Composing MOOC participants "hacked" online learning spaces to suit their own educational needs. Participants established multiple social media outposts, developed original course content, and hijacked discussion forums. The presenters will share pedagogical lessons learned and questions regarding how to facilitate robust learning communities.

OUTCOMES: Understand the importance of creating flexible infrastructure to promote interaction among learners and between learners and instructors * Share a selection of student work to demonstrate pedagogical "lessons learned" * Share best practices for cultivating robust online learning communities in MOOCs and other digital education environments


  • Kaitlin Clinnin

    Doctoral Student in English, Ohio State University
  • Tom Evans

    Program Manager for Open Learning, Ohio State University
  • Kay Halasek

    Director, UITL and Associate Professor, Ohio State University