Canaries in the Gold Mine of Open Educational Resources

Thursday, October 29 | 10:10AM–11:00AM | Sagamore Ballroom 6
Session Type: Professional Development
The Kaleidoscope Open Course Initiative broke new ground in successful adoption of open educational resources as 24+ institutions saw measurable impacts on affordability and other student success metrics. This panel features new efficacy data and perspectives from three institutions on lessons learned and where they're heading next with OER.

Outcomes: Identify areas where OER yields quantifiable benefits for students and institutions * Understand how OER fits into student success initiatives * Identify success factors for broad, effective OER adoption


  • Braddlee Braddlee

  • Tori Mondelli

    Director, Teaching for Learning Center, University of Missouri
  • Kara Monroe

    Vice President for Academic Success & Innovation, Ivy Tech Community College of Indiana
  • Kim Thanos

    CEO, Lumen Learning