Embrace the Change: Successfully Moving to a New LMS

Thursday, October 29, 2015 | 6:30PM–7:20PM | Wabash Ballroom 2
Session Type: Professional Development
In this session we will discuss the steps involved in transitioning all Indiana University campuses from a Sakai-based LMS to Canvas. Representatives from the strategy group charged with administering this transition (including system administration, training, and faculty support) will discuss their roles and offer perspective on the move to Canvas.

Outcomes: Learn about IU's process in transitioning to Canvas (http://next.iu.edu) * Identify technological and other challenges in the LMS transition process * Understand key strategies for a successful LMS transition


  • David Goodrum

    Director of Academic Technology, Oregon State University
  • John Gosney

    Director, Faculty Engagement & Outreach - Learning Technologies, Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis (IUPUI)
  • Kim Murday

    Indiana University Bloomington
  • Randy Newbrough

    Manager, Instructional Technology Consulting Campus Centers for Teaching and Learning, Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis (IUPUI)