From IT Support to CIO: A Journey of Three Women

Thursday, October 29 | 2:30PM–3:20PM | Sagamore Ballroom 6
Session Type: Professional Development

Join a discussion with three newly appointed CIOs who advanced through IT support organizations to become CIOs. Hear their thoughts on the value of relationship building, customer focus, and collaboration in getting them to their new roles. The presenters will share real-world insight gleaned from their experiences and how their skills have prepared them for their new responsibilities.

Outcomes: Understand the value IT service professionals provide as IT executive leadership within higher ed * Understand key customer service and collaboration best practices that improve IT within the institution * Understand potential pitfalls to avoid as a "new" CIO


  • Dee Childs

    Vice President for Information Technology and Chief Information Officer, Texas A&M University
  • Cathy O'Bryan

    Chief Executive Officer, Unizin, Ltd.
  • Wendy Woodward

    Executive Consultant, Moran Technology Consulting
  • Sue Workman

    Interim VP for Information Services and Technology, Boston University

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