Seminar 01F - Technically Competent: Building Capacity to Support the Competency-Based Revolution (separate registration is required)

Tuesday, October 27, 2015 | 9:00AM–5:00PM | Wabash Ballroom 1
Session Type: Professional Development
Using a customized and interactive workbook, participants will build a mock competency-based IT certificate program that also serves to help them better understand their academic counterparts. We will explore the benefits and barriers for programs based on demonstrated learning rather than time spent on taskÊ, focusing on how strategic IT solutions can positively impact the competency-based revolution.

OUTCOMES: Craft a competency-based program * Recognize the benefits of and barriers to program implementation * Identify IT solutions that will empower your academic leaders' competency-based education goals


  • Charla Long

    Consultant & Founding Dean, CBE Partners