The Digital Revolution at University of La Verne: How the Internet of Everything is Changing Everything

Thursday, October 29, 2015 | 9:00AM–9:50AM | Meeting Room 140-141
Session Type: Professional Development

Academic institutions worldwide are under tremendous pressure to cut costs. At the same time, they also need to provide greater access to education, increased security, and improved outcomes and services. Through solutions enabled by the Internet of Everything (IoE), institutions can successfully address their challenges, transforming colleges and universities into connected campuses and taking them to the next level of an improved and digitized learning experience. Cisco will discuss trends and what IoE means for higher education and share best practices for strategic implementation of solutions that accelerate a digital transformation. University of La Verne will join Cisco to discuss key outcomes that they have achieved.

OUTCOMES: Learn how to create a digital learning experience that enhances quality of life for students, faculty, and administrators * Gain best practices for strategic implementation


  • Bryan Best

    Director, Learning Technologies, University of La Verne
  • Hany Seyam

    Senior Director of IT Infrastructure, University of La Verne

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